Synthesis Report - A Synodal Church in Mission - October 29, 2023

Read the Full 42 page report here.

What’s Next for Our Listening Church

As the Church marked the much-anticipated General Assembly of the Synod on Synodality, you may be wondering what happened throughout the month of October during these meetings and where the Catholic Church may be headed next. Listen in on this insightful conversation with Dr. Myriam Wijlens and Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP, both appointed by Pope Francis to central roles at the Synod on Synodality. Only a few days after the close of the October Assembly, hear what they experienced during the meetings and their immediate insights.

The Core Team of LAUDD continues to discuss questions that have arisen from the Synod:

  • What is the Spirit ALREADY doing?

  • What is the Spirit SAYING?

  • Where might the Spirit be LEADING?

We will be sharing resources that may be of help as we all learn more about synodality and discern God’s will for us as we move forward. We expect to organize future conversations in the Spirit as well as opportunities for prayer as we continue to walk together as People of God.

What is a Synodal Meeting? (From Becoming a Synodal Church #4, Published by the Pittsburgh Working Group for a Synodal Church, October 2023) Pope Francis is encouraging us to hold synod-style meetings at all levels of the Church, including your parish! When is this kind of meeting useful? How do you facilitate one?


Kristen Colberg’s Presentation sponsored by The Association of Pittsburgh Priests