Our Mission


Ohio-Pennsylvania Associate Leadership (OPAL) brings to light a commitment to support and enrich current and emerging leaders by offering opportunities to grow within the associate relationship to live out God's call to service and love.


Guided by the Holy Spirit and the rooted in the charisms of our religious affiliations, we will partner with each other to carry on the mission of Jesus based on the needs of our time. We gather to share prayer, ideas, resources, and challenges as we move into new ways of being – new ways of ministering.

Humility of Mary Associate, Donna Humphrey, speaks with Christy Cabaniss and Sarah Jarzembowski of Catholic Leadership Network about Lay Associates, OPAL and LAUDD

OPAL Workshop - October, 2022

Associates as Charism Carriers:

Enhancing the Call to Leadership

Presenter: Sr. Carol Zinn

SSJ: Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia

Executive Director of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious